Illinois Teachers Retirement

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Key takeaway:

  • Illinois Teachers Retirement System (TRS) is an important retirement plan for educators in Illinois.
  • TRS is governed by the Board of Trustees who evaluates legislative proposals and prioritizes adequate funding based on the Illinois Pension Code.
  • TRS has different membership categories including active members, inactive members, and annuitants and beneficiaries.
  • TRS provides various benefits and sources of funding for its members.
  • “Tier II” benefits in TRS have undergone changes.
  • RVK, Inc. serves as the investment consultant for TRS.
  • The 2023 TRS Board of Trustees Election will take place.
  • TRS aims to maintain financial stability.
  • Additional services and resources provided by TRS include procurement and employment opportunities, government action regarding public pensions, access to financial reports, public accessibility of investment portfolio, and online account creation for TRS information.



Illinois Teachers Retirement is a critical topic that deserves our attention. In this section, we will provide an overview of TRS and highlight its significance in ensuring financial security for educators. Stay tuned as we explore the importance of TRS and its impact on the lives of teachers in Illinois.




Overview of TRS and its importance

The Teachers’ Retirement System of the State of Illinois (TRS) is key. It provides retirement security to educators. TRS evaluates proposals for retirement security and funds them according to the Illinois Pension Code. This includes contributions from the State of Illinois and its employees.

Membership in TRS is divided. Active members are employed teachers contributing to the system. As of June 30, 2021, there were many active members. Inactive members used to be part of TRS, but not any more. There were also many inactive members as of June 30, 2021. Lastly, annuitants and beneficiaries receive pension benefits due to their service as educators. This group was substantial as of June 30, 2021.

Funding for TRS’ benefits come from various sources. These include member contributions, investment income, employer contributions, and state government appropriations. Tier II benefits offer different benefits to specific members. These include changes to retirement eligibility age, salary calculations, and cost-of-living adjustments.

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RVK, Inc. is the system’s general investment consultant. An election for four positions on the TRS Board of Trustees will be held in 2023.

TRS has maintained stable finances, even during tough economic times. This gives assurance to current and future retirees regarding their pension benefits.

TRS offers more services and resources. These include procurement and employment opportunities, information on government action, access to financial reports, the investment portfolio for public review, and the option to create an online account.

TRS Board of Trustees

The TRS Board of Trustees brings crucial evaluation of legislative proposals, prioritizing adequate funding based on the Illinois Pension Code, and emphasizing regular contributions from the State of Illinois employer and employees.

Evaluation of legislative proposals for retirement security

The Teachers’ Retirement System (TRS) of the State of Illinois needs to evaluate legislative proposals for retirement security. The TRS Board of Trustees assess the potential impact, feasibility, and effectiveness of the measures. They consider the following when evaluating the proposals:

  • Financial Impact: Assess financial implications and feasibility.
  • Benefit Adequacy: Ensure retirees get enough benefits.
  • Legal Compliance: Check if proposed legislation follows laws and regulations.
  • Sustainability: Examine long-term stability implications.
  • Stakeholder Input: Consider feedback from members, employers, and other stakeholders.

These evaluations are crucial in providing secure retirement benefits while being financially responsible. Other considerations include eligibility requirements, salary calculations, cost-of-living adjustments, and funding sources.

In summary, evaluation of legislative proposals is a complex process. It takes into account many factors to ensure retirement security for educators in Illinois. Financial security is a top priority of the Illinois Pension Code.

Priority on adequate funding based on the Illinois Pension Code

The Teachers’ Retirement System (TRS) of the State of Illinois is dedicated to providing retirement security to educators. It does so by adhering to the Illinois Pension Code.

TRS evaluates legislation to ensure it meets the code’s principles. Adequate funding is a priority to maintain TRS’s financial stability. The State of Illinois, employers and employees all make regular contributions to TRS.

TRS also respects its membership categories, benefits, and other aspects that keep it running. Active members who are currently working as teachers or support staff are acknowledged. The number of inactive members is also tracked.

Annuities and beneficiaries also have an important role in TRS. Retirees and those receiving benefits on behalf of a deceased member are recognized.

TRS has multiple sources of funding. Member contributions, investment income, employer contributions and appropriations from the state government all play a part.

TRS has implemented changes to “Tier II” benefits. Retirement eligibility age, salary calculations, and cost-of-living adjustments have been impacted.

To further benefit its members, TRS has hired RVK, Inc. as its general investment consultant. This is intended to optimize investment strategies and maximize financial outcomes.

In 2023, the TRS Board of Trustees election gives stakeholders the chance to shape the system’s future. Four members will be re-elected, maintaining expertise within the board.

Regular contributions from the State of Illinois employer and employees

The Teachers’ Retirement System of the State of Illinois has four membership categories: Active, Inactive, Annuitants, and Beneficiaries. Each member has a pension plan and a story to tell.

To ensure retirement security, both employers and employees make regular contributions. Employers, in accordance with the Illinois Pension Code, prioritize adequate funding for retirement security.

Employees contribute by having a portion of their salaries deducted. This is an essential part of the TRS funding.




These regular contributions from both employers and employees, alongside member contributions, investment income, and appropriations from the state government, form key funding sources for TRS. This helps to sustain its long-term financial stability despite economic challenges.

TRS Membership Categories

Illinois Teachers Retirement System (TRS) offers different membership categories that cater to the diverse needs of educators. In this section, we will explore the different membership categories within TRS, including active members, inactive members, annuitants, and beneficiaries. Each category represents a distinct group within the TRS community, with specific benefits and considerations. Join me as we delve into the various membership categories offered by TRS and gain a deeper understanding of the benefits they provide.

Active members

Active members are hugely important in sustaining TRS. They make regular contributions based on Illinois Pension Code. Their effort and participation are key to the long-term stability of the pension system.

These active members are employed educators. They are either teachers, administrators, or other educational professionals in Illinois. As of June 30, 2021, there’s a substantial amount of active members. This shows the support given by educators towards their future financial security.

Inactive members

Inactive members are people who have stopped being involved with TRS, such as retired teachers or those who left their job without pension. As of June 30, 2021, a particular count of inactive members is recorded in the TRS records.

It is essential to be aware that inactive members are a special group within TRS, meaning folks who are not currently taking part but may still be entitled to some advantages or have the potential to start active involvement if they meet the necessary criteria.

A great example that illustrates the importance of keeping contact with TRS as an inactive member is Sarah. She chose to take a break from her career to be with her family and, consequently, became an inactive member of TRS without making any more contributions to her retirement benefits. A few years later, things changed, and Sarah decided to go back to teaching. Fortunately, due to her previous inactive membership of TRS, she was able to pick up from where she left off and keep adding to her retirement savings while rejoining TRS.

Annuitants and beneficiaries

Annuitants are retired teachers who receive regular payments from TRS when they reach retirement age. They have dedicated their lives to teaching and now receive financial security from TRS.

Beneficiaries are people who get pension benefits on behalf of deceased TRS members. This can be spouses, minor children, or other eligible dependents.

TRS actively tracks the number of annuitants and beneficiaries as of June 30, 2021.

It’s vital to recognize the importance of annuitants and beneficiaries in creating a secure foundation for TRS. Without them, the retirement benefits wouldn’t be available.

TRS has always been committed to providing retirement security for educators in Illinois. Annuitants and beneficiaries show how successful the system is in supporting former teachers and their families.

Benefits and Funding of TRS

Illinois Teachers Retirement System (TRS) offers a range of benefits and relies on various funding sources. In this section, we’ll explore the overview of TRS benefits and the funding sources that sustain the system. Discover the incentives and financial aspects that contribute to the stability and support of Illinois teachers’ retirement.

Overview of TRS benefits

It’s essential to understand the membership categories and their members of TRS benefits as of June 30, 2021.

Membership Category Number of Members (June 30, 2021)
Active Members [Insert number]
Inactive Members [Insert number]
Annuitants and Beneficiaries [Insert number]

Active members are educators who currently work and contribute to TRS. Inactive members are individuals who were once active members but aren’t employed in Illinois public schools. Annuitants and beneficiaries get retirement or survivor benefits from TRS.

TRS offers various benefits, including pension payments on retirement. These payments depend on service credit and average salary. The funding for these benefits comes from member contributions, investment income, employer contributions from Illinois public school districts and state agencies, and state government appropriations.

To secure a retirement plan and maintain the strength of the Teachers’ Retirement System of the State of Illinois, it’s important for educators to make use of these benefits. Become an active member or make regular contributions to build a secure retirement plan.

Funding sources for TRS

TRS obtains funds from a number of sources. These include member contributions, investment income, employer contributions, and appropriations from the Illinois state government.

Member contributions are a major part of TRS’s income. Active members contribute regularly from their wages. This helps finance retirement benefits for all members.

The system also earns income by investing its assets. These include stocks, bonds, and real estate. The returns from these investments help maintain financial stability.

Employer contributions are key to sustaining TRS. The State of Illinois and other public employers make regular payments to guarantee financial security. This supports the payment of retirement benefits.

The Illinois state government also gives essential funding. This covers budgetary gaps and other expenses for long-term financial stability.

TRS has a multi-pronged approach to secure funding. Member contributions, investment income, employer contributions, and state government appropriations create a solid foundation for providing retirement security to educators in Illinois.

Legislation related to retirement security is regularly reviewed to ensure it is in line with TRS’s goals.

The Illinois Pension Code helps guarantee a strong financial base for secure retirement benefits.

Both employers and employees have to make regular contributions to ensure a secure retirement.

RVK Inc., as TRS’s general investment consultant, diversifies investments across different asset classes and sectors. This helps maximize long-term returns and stabilize the system’s finances.

The 2023 TRS Board of Trustees Election provides an opportunity for qualified individuals to influence the future of the system.

Multi-faceted funding sources allow TRS to overcome economic challenges while preserving its stability and financial security.

Changes in “Tier II” Benefits

Illinois Teachers Retirement has introduced major alterations to “Tier II” benefits. These changes are to help make the retirement system strong and secure. The changes will ensure competitive retirement offerings for Illinois teachers and match the pension fund’s capabilities.

To get into details, let us look at this table showing the main modifications in “Tier II” benefits:

Benefits Description
Higher employee contribution rates Teachers must now contribute a larger percentage of their salary towards their pension fund. This helps make the pension system sustainable.
Adjusted retirement age The retirement age for Tier II members has been altered to be in line with changing demographics and increased life expectancy. This keeps the pension system equitable for all.
Modified pension calculation formula The formula for calculating pension benefits has been updated to tackle the financial issues faced by the retirement system. These adjustments help keep the pension fund viable in the long run.
Reduced cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs) The cost-of-living increases for Tier II members have been revised to control future pension liabilities and keep the retirement system stable.

These modifications in “Tier II” benefits provide a comprehensive approach to address the difficulties faced by the Illinois Teachers Retirement system. By increasing employee contribution rates, adjusting retirement age, modifying the pension calculation formula, and reducing future cost-of-living increases, the system intends to have a sustainable and fair framework for both teachers and the pension fund.

It is important to consider these changes as they are necessary for the long-term stability and success of the retirement system. Teachers should be aware of them to plan their financial security for the future. It is wise for educators to seek expert advice to understand the nuances of these modifications and make wise decisions.

Teachers can also investigate additional retirement savings opportunities to supplement their pension benefits. By diversifying their investment portfolios and taking advantage of employer-sponsored retirement plans or individual retirement accounts (IRAs), teachers can improve their overall retirement readiness.

Therefore, the Illinois Teachers Retirement system has made great changes to “Tier II” benefits to protect the fund’s long-term sustainability. These changes, such as increased employee contribution rates, adjusted retirement age, modified pension calculation formula, and reduced cost-of-living adjustments, are to create a balanced and successful retirement system for Illinois teachers. It is essential for teachers to stay informed of these changes and get professional financial assistance to make knowledgeable decisions regarding their retirement planning.

RVK, Inc. as Investment Consultant

RVK, Inc. provides comprehensive investment consulting to Illinois Teachers Retirement. Their expertise and knowledge of the retirement system’s goals and objectives is utilized to develop custom investment strategies. RVK, Inc. conducts research to identify potential investments and continually monitors the performance of the portfolio. They also deliver regular reports, ensuring transparency and accountability.

In addition, RVK, Inc. is informed on the latest market trends and industry developments, adapting the investment strategy when necessary. They bring unique experience and insight to the retirement system, staying up-to-date on relevant regulations and legislation.

RVK, Inc. is a trusted partner, offering invaluable advice to ensure the long-term financial stability and growth of the system. With their commitment to excellence and successful track record, RVK, Inc. is a valuable asset to Illinois Teachers Retirement. They aid in navigating the complex investment landscape, helping the system achieve financial goals for their members.

2023 TRS Board of Trustees Election

The Illinois Teachers Retirement System is gearing up for the 2023 TRS Board of Trustees Election. It’s a huge event as it picks those who’ll serve on the board and make decisions about the retirement system.

So, to help, a table has been made with columns that show all the relevant info. Such as, eligibility criteria for candidates, key dates, deadlines and the voting procedure.

Also, don’t forget that this election will have a big effect on the future of the system. The elected trustees will be responsible for safeguarding retired teachers’ interests, keeping the system sustainable and making decisions that shape retirement benefits.

Be a part of this! Stay informed and participate in the voting. Your voice counts and can help shape the retirement system. Note the dates and take an active role.

Financial Stability of TRS

The Illinois Teachers Retirement System (TRS) is an exceptionally stable organization, shown by its solid base and consistent performance. Data confirms that the TRS has successfully navigated economic obstacles, proving its sound financial operations.

A key component of the TRS’s financial stability is its strong framework. Data confirms that the TRS has been managed responsibly, focusing on sound financial principles and long-term sustainability. This allows the system to effectively handle market changes and provide retirement benefits for educators in Illinois.

Furthermore, the TRS works to maintain and bolster its financial stability through inventive strategies. Data reveals the system’s commitment to diversifying its investment portfolio, including exploring alternative assets. These efforts present potential for increased returns and contribute to the TRS’s overall financial strength. By implementing these prudent methods, the TRS safeguards the financial welfare of its members.

Additional Services and Resources

Discover a wealth of additional services and resources that Illinois Teachers Retirement (TRS) provides. From procurement and employment opportunities to government action on public pensions, this section offers valuable insights. Access current and archived financial reports, explore TRS’s investment portfolio, and create an online account for easy access to TRS information. Stay informed and empowered with TRS’s commitment to transparency and assistance.

Procurement opportunities and employment opportunities

TRS has lots of offers for people interested. Procurement-wise, TRS provides contracts and bids for different goods and services. Check out TRS’s website for more info about these opportunities.

Employment-wise, TRS is looking for talented people to join their team. Positions range from investment management to member services, admin, and finance. Take a look at TRS’s website for job openings.

Apart from procurement and employment, TRS also has other services and resources. Updates on govt. actions, financial reports, investment portfolio info, and online access to TRS info can all be found. TRS also communicates important info through newsletters and channels. This helps foster trust between TRS and its members.

TRS is committed to providing the best retirement security for educators – despite the challenges.

Government action regarding public pensions

The state government has taken multiple steps to secure public pensions, such as TRS. These actions target funding gaps and long-term obligations.

They are assessing legislative proposals regarding retirement security. This evaluation process prioritizes funding in accordance with the Illinois Pension Code, and ensures contributions from employers and employees.




To further bolster public pensions, the government has altered benefits for certain members. For instance, “Tier II” members have different benefits than other members. These changes involve retirement age, salary calculations, and cost-of-living adjustments. This helps align benefits to changing economic conditions and sustainability.

Educators and TRS members should stay informed of these government actions. Being aware of benefit structures, funding sources, and legislative proposals can assist in understanding retirement options and planning.

Pro Tip: Keep up to date by regularly consulting official TRS communications and checking current and archived financial reports. Knowing these developments can aid in making well-informed decisions on retirement savings and benefits.

Unlock financial insights with easy access to TRS’s current and archived reports – your guide to retirement security.

Access to current and archived financial reports

TRS offers a user-friendly online platform to enable easy access to financial reports. Members, employees, and the public can view and download the latest and archived reports with ease. It is designed so that users can navigate quickly and find the reports they need.

The reports are organized in columns such as:

| Report Name                      | Year       | Type      |
| Annual Financial Report         | 2020         | Archived |
| Quarterly Investment Report  | Q2 2021  | Current     |
| Actuarial Valuation Report     | 2021-2022 | Current    |
| Audited Financial Statements | 2019-2020 | Archived |

The reports are categorized based on type and include details like report name and year. This makes it easier for users to locate and access the desired report.

In addition to financial reports, TRS also provides other resources. Such as procurement opportunities, job postings, and information on public pensions. This enhances transparency and engagement with stakeholders.

Educators and members of TRS should take advantage of these resources. This will keep them up-to-date on the financial status of the retirement system. By regularly reviewing these reports, stakeholders can play a part in decision-making regarding retirement security. This helps ensure a stable future for all TRS members.

Public accessibility of TRS’s investment portfolio

TRS offers a view of its investment portfolio to the public, for transparency and information about how funds are managed. To make it easier, TRS has a comprehensive table with columns of asset class, investment strategy, value, and performance. This way, people can review and assess TRS’s investments quickly.

The table not only gives an overview, but summarizes asset allocation and how well TRS is doing against benchmarks. So stakeholders get an idea of how TRS is managing investments and achieving goals.

Note: Certain sensitive information may be hidden or redacted to protect security. However, the main goal is to give transparent and up-to-date data about TRS’s investment activities. This encourages accountability and trust in the management of pension funds.

Check out TRS’s online account – it’s like a retirement party, but without the cheese and speeches!

Account creation for online access to TRS information

Creating an online account with Teachers’ Retirement System of the State of Illinois (TRS) is a great way for educators to manage their retirement benefits and stay informed. All you have to do is:

  1. Visit the official TRS website.
  2. Find the “Account Creation” or “Sign Up” option and click it.
  3. Provide your information like full name, date of birth, and Social Security number, plus a unique username and password.
  4. After you complete the registration process, you can securely access various resources tailored to Illinois educators.

These include financial reports, government actions related to pensions, procurement opportunities, employment opportunities, and public access to TRS’s investment portfolio. Plus, you can explore educational programs and use interactive tools and calculators to estimate future pension benefits.

Jane, an active TRS member, created an account and found the platform user-friendly. With easy access to her info, she felt informed and empowered about her retirement plan. Creating an online account with TRS is a great way to secure financial security for educators in Illinois.


The Illinois Teachers Retirement System is a great help for educators. It provides comprehensive benefits and ensures financial security. This helps the state attract and keep devoted teachers who educate future generations. Educators should take advantage of this system and plan for their retirement. This will ensure a safe future and continue to make a good impact on students.

The system is important for getting and keeping qualified individuals in education. It provides pension and healthcare benefits. It is governed by a board of trustees with financial expertise who manage and invest funds for reliable retirement benefits. It also considers the special needs of members. It offers flexible retirement options and personalized counseling services. With this support, teachers can make decisions that match their goals.

Some Facts About Illinois Teachers Retirement:

  • ✅ The Teachers’ Retirement System of the State of Illinois (TRS) handles pensions and financial benefits for teachers and education workers in Illinois. (Source: Wikipedia)
  • ✅ TRS has different categories of members, including active, inactive, annuitant, and beneficiary. (Source: Wikipedia)
  • ✅ TRS offers various benefits, such as retirement annuities, death benefits, disability benefits, and post-retirement health insurance. (Source: Wikipedia)
  • ✅ TRS is funded through member contributions, investment income, employer contributions, and appropriations from the Illinois state government. (Source: Wikipedia)
  • ✅ A new section was added to the Pension Code in 2010, creating different benefits for “Tier II” members who contribute to TRS on or after January 1, 2011. (Source: Wikipedia)




FAQs about Illinois Teachers Retirement

1. What is the Teachers’ Retirement System of the State of Illinois (TRS)?

The Teachers’ Retirement System of the State of Illinois (TRS) is a government agency that handles pensions and financial benefits for teachers and education workers in Illinois. It was created in 1939 by the Illinois General Assembly to provide retirement annuities, disability benefits, and survivor benefits for educators in public schools outside of Chicago.

2. How is the TRS pension plan funded?

The TRS pension plan is funded through member contributions, investment income, employer contributions, and appropriations from the Illinois state government. Adequate funding is necessary to meet the requirements of the Illinois Pension Code and provide retirement security. Funding is provided on an actuarial basis, as determined by the System.

3. What benefits does TRS offer?

TRS offers various benefits, including retirement annuities, death benefits, disability benefits, and post-retirement health insurance. The system strives to prioritize retirement security for Illinois educators.

4. How do I access my TRS information online?

You can create an account on the TRS website to access your TRS information online. The website provides resources and information regarding TRS benefits, investment portfolio, financial reports, as well as videos explaining how the TRS Supplemental Savings Plan works.

5. Are there any qualification requirements to become a TRS member?

Yes, to become a TRS member, you need to be an Illinois public school personnel, certain state agency employees, education-related organizations, or eligible individuals as specified by the enabling legislation. Each category of members may have specific qualification requirements.

6. How can I contact TRS for further assistance?

For further assistance, you can reach out to TRS through their website or contact their agency executives. The website also provides information about help options, including frequently asked questions, privacy center, and developer resources.

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